Dowell Systems Automotive Expert v7.81 ISO 英文正式版(小型汽車商店管理)
Automotive Expert 是一套針對小型的汽車商店管理最完美的解決方案。使用者在使
既然是汽車商店的管理程式,當然在系統中同時擁有 1974-2003 各種車輛的相關資料
Automotive Expert? is today's
answer for simple shop management.
This unique "new" software tool
learns from you as you use it.
This makes it possible to create
your own custom pricing system for
your shop
Automotive Expert? includes a
complete Real-Time Labor Guide?
covering from 1968-2008. Coverage
includes, Foreign Cars and Light
Trucks, Domestic Cars, and Light
Trucks, as well as Medium and
Heavy Duty Truck coverage. This
software allows you to create your
own custom vehicles as well.
Automotive Expert v7.93 英文正式版(汽車專家軟體)
Breeze Systems DSLR Remote Pro v2.2.2 英文正式版(佳能單反控制軟體)
Zerene Systems Zerene Stacker Pro v1.04 T201412212230 x64 英文正式版(焦點堆迭軟體)
IBM Lotus Domino Server Enterprise Edition v8.0.2 ISO 英文語正式版(IBM 電子商務軟體)
Valentin PVSOL Expert v5.5.R3 英文正式版(光伏系統設計軟體)
Breeze Systems PSRemote v2.1 英文正式版(數碼相機的控制軟體)
Breeze Systems NKRemote v2.3.2 英文正式版(尼康應用程序軟體)