Autodesk AUTOCAD LT V2011 WIN32 英文正式版(歐特克繪圖與詳細設計軟體)(DVD版)
1.請詳讀CRACK資料夾中 Install.txt
AUTOCAD LT? 軟體以效率、強大功能及可靠性著稱,現在效能更勝以往,加入了您所夢
寐以求的 2D 工具與指令。我們還加入 PDF 參考底圖的功能,而且 PDF 輸出的品質更
AUTOCAD LT 2010 可讓您掌控全局。
AUTOCAD LT 2D drafting and detailing software is the professional
choicebecause we focus on boosting your productivity and enables
you to accurately and efficiently create,document, and share your
drawings.The genuine DWG file format provides stability and compa
tibility. Packed with powerful features,
AUTOCAD LT is built for
professional drafting.
Autodesk AUTOCAD v2010 Win32+64-bit 英文合輯版(DVD版)
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